Helicobacter pylori antigen stool test
Helicobacter pylori antigen stool test
Most bacteria are killed by strong acid in the stomach, but Helicobacter pylori thrives on it.
It settles in the mucous tissue of the stomach and usually leads to a lifelong inflammation of all parts of the stomach and causes 80-90% of all gastritis forms.
It is also the most common cause of stomach and duodenal ulcers worldwide and is most likely acquired by ingesting contaminated food and water or through person-to-person contact.
Have you experienced any of the following?
Chronic gastritis, symptoms of gastric ulcers, chronic stomach pains?
How does the test work?
With 94% sensitivity, the accredited laboratories test can help diagnose an infection with these bacteria so that, if appropriate, suitable medication can be taken to cure the infection
Helicobacter pylori antigen stool test
Have you experienced any of the following?
Chronic gastritis, symptoms of gastric ulcers, chronic stomach pains?
How does the test work?
With 94% sensitivity, the accredited laboratories test can help diagnose an infection with these bacteria so that, if appropriate, suitable medication can be taken to cure the infection
Test at home
- Test kit sent out in the post
- Full instructions included
- Place stool sample in the post, sending it via your local post office
- Tests are sent to German laboratories with a quick turnaround (usually around 3 weeks due to Brexit but often comes earlier).
- Results sent to you via email
Most bacteria are killed by strong acid in the stomach, but Helicobacter pylori thrives on it.
It settles in the mucous tissue of the stomach and usually leads to a lifelong inflammation of all parts of the stomach and causes 80-90% of all gastritis forms.
It is also the most common cause of stomach and duodenal ulcers worldwide and is most likely acquired by ingesting contaminated food and water or through person-to-person contact.